Want to improve your interpersonal relationships with others? Improve your skill at interpersonal communication and you will reap the harvest in more successful work relationships. Find effective interpersonal communication tips and tools. Effective communication is a must at work.

How to Hold a Difficult Conversation

If you manage people, work in Human Resources, or care about your friends at work, chances are good that one day you will need to hold a difficult conversation. As an example, people dress inappropriately and unprofessionally for work; personal hygiene is sometimes unacceptable. These steps will help you hold difficult conversations when people need professional feedback.

Provide Feedback That Has an Impact

Make your feedback have the impact it deserves by the manner and approach you use to deliver feedback. Your feedback can make a difference to people if you can avoid a defensive response.

Top Ten Employee Complaints

Are you interested in discovering your employees’ most serious complaints? Knowing what makes employees unhappy is half the battle when you think about employee work satisfaction, motivation and retention. Listen to employees and provide opportunities for them to communicate with company managers. If employees feel safe they will tell you what’s on their minds. Your work culture must foster trust.

How to Address Employee Hygiene and Annoying Habits

Have you ever worked along side an employee who had poor personal hygiene, foul smelling clothes or breath, or an annoying personal habit like making clicking noises? Or worse, the employee drinks heavily in the evening and then exudes the smell of alcohol, often mixed with the equally fetid smell of coffee and cigarettes all day at work? Integrate these new tips about holding difficult conversations into your approach to employee challenges.

Receive Feedback With Grace and Dignity

Interested in hearing about how others view your work? Make it easy for them to tell you. If they think you’ll appreciatively consider their feedback, you’ll get lots more. And, that is good, really.

Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation and Necessary Conflict

Meaningful confrontation is never easy but conflict is often necessary if you want to stick up for your rights at work. Whether the confrontation is over shared credit, irritating coworker habits and approaches, or to keep a project on track, sometimes you need to hold a confrontation with a coworker. The good news is that while confrontation is almost never your first choice, you can become better and more comfortable with necessary conflict.

What Makes a Bad Boss – Bad?

Nothing sparks more commentary than asking about what makes a manager a bad boss. With my Web site poll and its lengthy comments thread, I found some common themes in site visitor responses. Want to avoid becoming a bad boss? Afraid that you may already be considered a bad boss? Just want to commiserate with other people who have bad bosses? Here are the pertinent themes about bad bosses.

Conduct Powerful Job Interviews

Want to hire great employees? How to conduct a safe, legal job interview that also enables you to select the best candidate for your open positions is important. The job interview is one of the significant factors in hiring because so many employers count on the job interview to help determine their best, most qualified candidates. Learn about job interviews in my free email class.

To Drink or Not to Drink?

To drink or not to drink at work related events is a question every employee has to ponder for one occasion or another. Whether the business occasion is lunch during an interview, the company holiday party, or a staff networking event on Friday afternoon, alcohol is usually an option. My limit is two. How about you? Make your decision about how much to drink before you are faced with choices.

Preventing Predictable Decision Making Errors

Predictable errors in decision making are preventable errors. And a few simple techniques can help you steer clear of the most common wrong turns in decision making. They can get you to your go point, that decisive moment when the essential information has been gathered, the pros and cons weighed, and the time has come to get off the fence and make your decision. Learn more about decision making.

How to Create Team Norms

The members of every team and work group develop particular ways of interacting with each other over time. Effective interpersonal communication among members and successful communication with managers and employees external to the team are critical components of team functioning. With the potential power of the impact of these interactions on team success, why leave team interaction to chance? Form team relationship guidelines or team norms early to ensure team success. Learn about team norms.

How to Develop Group Norms: Step by Step to Adopt Group Guidelines

The members of every team and work group develop particular ways of interacting with each other over time. Effective interpersonal communication among group members and successful communication with managers and employees external to the team are critical components of group functioning. With the potential power of the impact of these interactions on group success, why leave group member interaction to chance? Adopt group relationship guidelines or group norms early to ensure group success.

Communication Success Tips – Shared Meaning

This leadership and management tip about communication will speed up your progress and profitability. Want to know what can go right in communication and where you can go wrong in communication? Learn more about organizational communication.

Communication Success Tips: Interpersonal Communication Dynamics

Each of us is a radar machine constantly scoping out our environment. Human beings are sensitive to body language, facial expression, posture, movement, tone of voice and more. To effectively communicate, these interpersonal communication dynamics must match your words.

How to Demonstrate Respect at Work

Ask anyone in your workplace what treatment they most want at work. They will likely top their list with the desire to be treated with dignity and respect. You can demonstrate respect with simple, yet powerful actions. These ideas will help you avoid needless, insensitive, unmeant disrespect, too. Read more about respect.

Communication Success Tips – Communicating Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action is communicated just as you would communicate praise and thanks. Be as specific in your communication as possible when communicating disciplinary action.

Nix Political Discussion at Work

In a workplace that honors diversity, every person’s politics, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and opinions about non-work issues, should, for the most part stay home. Unless you work in a setting that is dependant on a particular set of beliefs, political discussion potentially causes conflict and hard feelings. Nix politics and political discussion at work.

Politics at Work – Why Politics at Work Is Risky

In a workplace that honors diversity, every person’s politics, religious beliefs, sexual activities, and opinions about non-work issues, should, for the most part, stay home. Do you agree or disagree about talking politics at work?

Inspirational Quotes for Business and Work: Respect

Looking for an inspirational quote or a business quotation for your newsletter, business presentation, bulletin board or inspirational posters? These respect quotes are useful to help motivation and inspiration. These quotes about respect will help you create success in business, success in management and success in life.

The Benefits of Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a skill that not only helps with marriage and interpersonal relationships, but can reduce stress and help you attain more balance at home, at work and in life. Learn more about assertiveness, aggressiveness and passivity.